Our Advantage
Almond Blossom Assisted Living has a caregiver to resident ratio of 1:6 and as low as 1:3 allowing the needs of our residents to be met immediately. Waiting for assistance rarely happens at Almond Blossom.
This extremely low ratio allows residents to live life similar to that which they had at home, flexible with their unique desires, wants and needs while being taken care of in a safe, supportive healthy environment.
Through our Connected Care philosophy, health conscious, professional relationships are formed between the administration at Almond Blossom, caregivers, residents, their families and the physician. When we surround our residents with support and clear communication we are able to maximize their physical and mental health. Should problems arise, necessary changes are quickly communicated to families and their physicians.
Each resident has an individual plan of care developed to meet his or her specific needs. It will incorporate continuous care and observations for changes in physical, mental, emotional, social functioning and personal preferences and beliefs, as well as assistance with medical, dental, and other health needs.
When you live in a Connected Care environment, stress and anxiety are reduced, thereby allowing healing and growth to occur.
The Research
Research suggests that creating positive emotional experiences for Alzheimer's patients diminishes distress and behavior problems.
In fact, science is weighing in on many aspects of care for dementia patients, and applying evidence-based research to what used to be considered subjective and ad hoc.
With no effective medical treatment for Alzheimer's as of yet, most dementia therapy is the caregiving performed by families and nursing homes.
According to Lisa P. Gwyther, education director for the Bryan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Duke University, "There's actually better evidence and more significant results in caregiver interventions than there is in anything to treat this disease so far."
Techniques include using food, scheduling, art, music and exercise to generate positive emotions; engaging patients in activities that salvage fragments of their skills; thereby also helping caregivers to be more accepting and effective.
New research suggests emotion persists after cognition deteriorates. In a University of Iowa study, people with brain damage producing Alzheimer's-like amnesia viewed film clips evoking tears and sadness or laughter and happiness. Six minutes later, participants had trouble recalling the clips. But 30 minutes later, emotion evaluations showed they still felt sad or happy, often more than participants with normal memories. The more memory-impaired patients retained stronger emotions. Justin Feinstein, the lead author of the study and an advanced neuropsychology doctoral student, said the results suggest behavioral problems could stem from sadness or anxiety that patients cannot explain.